10 July 1992 Dynamic simulation of precision optical systems using R2P2
Gary R. Skidmore
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The rapid retargeting and precision pointing (R2P2) simulator is an adaptable hardware testbed for space-based optical systems requiring pointing agility and extreme pointing precision. The simulator is capable of performing an entire pointing, tracking, or repointing scenario with full scale angular dynamics including both external and control-generated disturbances. Vehicle or spacecraft dynamics, including flexible body effects, are faithfully represented in one plane, while line-of-sight (LOS) dynamics are represented with limited out-of-plane motion. This paper describes the simulation capabilities of R2P2 which permit the achievement of full scale angular dynamics of the simulated vehicle and the simulation of structural dynamic effects. The two processes used to simulate these aspects of the system are referred to as torque allocation and structural mode simulation. The torque allocation process ensures that the angular accelerations of the bodies of the real system are faithfully reproduced on the simulator. The structural mode simulation process reproduces the effects of critical structural modes on the pointing of the vehicle and the pointing of the LOS. Together, these processes generate a testbed that is capable of representing a wide range of vehicle dynamics and structural dynamics.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gary R. Skidmore "Dynamic simulation of precision optical systems using R2P2", Proc. SPIE 1696, Controls for Optical Systems, (10 July 1992); Logo
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