1 November 1992 Extracting a symbolic object description from gray-level images using a Kalman-filter-based contour tracer combined with a complex edge-operator
Markus Becker, Dietmar Ley
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Proceedings Volume 1825, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XI: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision; (1992)
Event: Applications in Optical Science and Engineering, 1992, Boston, MA, United States
Usually, gray-level images are arranged as two-dimensional (NxM)-matrices. Tracing its contours is a common way to obtain information about an imaged object, such as position and orientation, or for purposes of object recognition. This paper describes the generation of contour-based object descriptions by edge-detection and contour-tracing. A complex differential operator is used to detect edges in the image. In addition to the gradient, also the local orientation of edges can be computed with an accuracy of approximately 5 degree(s). This edge-oriented description, which is still arranged as a two-dimensional matrix, occupies twice as much memory as the original gray-level image (gradient plus orientation) and there is no knowledge about the course of the contour. In addition to that, in most cases this edge-oriented image is fragmentary, due to illumination restrictions and shades. For this reason the imaged contour is traced using a Kalman-filter-based algorithm. The contour tracer connects and completes these edge fragments. The algorithm is able to follow the course of a contour without any prior knowledge, even if its direction changes erratically. It has been tested successfully in several applications in industrial production testing (for example for controlling an optical range sensor of a 3-D-measurement system in assembly lines).
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Markus Becker and Dietmar Ley "Extracting a symbolic object description from gray-level images using a Kalman-filter-based contour tracer combined with a complex edge-operator", Proc. SPIE 1825, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XI: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, (1 November 1992);
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Image segmentation

Computer vision technology

Machine vision

Robot vision


Edge detection

Image processing


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