2 September 1993 Analog circuit design and implementation of an adaptive resonance theory (ART) neural network architecture
Ching S. Ho, Juin J. Liou, Michael Georgiopoulos, Gregory L. Heileman, Christos G. Christodoulou
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This paper presents an analog circuit implementation for an adaptive resonance theory neural network architecture, called the augmented ART-1 neural network (AART1-NN). The AART1-NN is a modification of the popular ART1-NN, developed by Carpenter and Grossberg, and it exhibits the same behavior as the ART1-NN. The AART1-NN is a real-time model, and has the ability to classify an arbitrary set of binary input patterns into different clusters. The design of the AART1-NN model. The circuit is implemented by utilizing analog electronic components, such as, operational amplifiers, transistors, capacitors, and resistors. The implemented circuit is verified using the PSpice circuit simulator, running on Sun workstations. Results obtained from the PSpice circuit simulation compare favorably with simulation results produced by solving the differential equations numerically. The prototype system developed here can be used as a building block for larger AART1-NN architectures, as well as for other types of ART architectures that involve the AART1-NN model.
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Ching S. Ho, Juin J. Liou, Michael Georgiopoulos, Gregory L. Heileman, and Christos G. Christodoulou "Analog circuit design and implementation of an adaptive resonance theory (ART) neural network architecture", Proc. SPIE 1965, Applications of Artificial Neural Networks IV, (2 September 1993); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Neural networks

Differential equations

Analog electronics

Device simulation

Computer simulations


Scanning tunneling microscopy


Hardware design of a fast neural network digital multiplier
Proceedings of SPIE (September 16 1992)
Rapid prototyping of neural network applications
Proceedings of SPIE (September 16 1992)
Simplified ART1
Proceedings of SPIE (September 16 1992)
Analog hardware implementation of neocognitron networks
Proceedings of SPIE (August 01 1990)

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