29 October 1993 Hierarchical vector representation of document images
Sergey V. Ablameyko, Vladimir V. Bereishik, Nadeshda Paramonova, Angelo Marcelli, Sachiko Ishikawa
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Proceedings Volume 1977, Video Communications and PACS for Medical Applications; (1993)
Event: Video Communications and Fiber Optic Networks, 1993, Berlin, Germany
A hierarchical data structure for the representation of document images in vector form is suggested, which allows to store in compact form all needed information about connected components, segments and feature points. The process steps for obtaining this data structure are described. A fast one-pass algorithm for the transformation of a large-size thinned image into the vector form is suggested. The defects which can exist in the vector representation are extracted and an algorithm for their reduction is shortly described. Experimental results are also shown.
© (1993) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sergey V. Ablameyko, Vladimir V. Bereishik, Nadeshda Paramonova, Angelo Marcelli, and Sachiko Ishikawa "Hierarchical vector representation of document images", Proc. SPIE 1977, Video Communications and PACS for Medical Applications, (29 October 1993);
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