Nowadays in Russia, as well as in Europe, problem of the lack of trained specialists in interdisciplinary fields of science and technology, and among them engineersphysicists and physicists-researchers able to collaborate with biologists and physicians at high today's scientific level, is sharpiy outhned. As a result, problems are evident in efficiency of employment and development of modem medical diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. Skill specialists trained in the field of physics and mathematics with substantial knowledge in biology and medicine are needed. Similar situation has been seen in Russia in the field of biophysics in early sixties'. Today, in medicine, the growing emphasis is placed on less invasive methods of interventions. The demand ofless invasive intervention is best of all met by laser (optical) diagnostic methods and laser treatment. The use of these techniques and laser surgery methods and tools provides shorter hospitalization and rehabilitation time. But the medical personnel and technicians who work now in clinics often can't provide effective, reliable, and safe employment of such intricate equipment as laser units and tools. However, if for the efficient and safe clinical use of lasers training specialists in the field of laser technology and optical units with very general understanding of medico-biological principles oflaser radiation effect on bio-objects seems to be sufficient, in the case of basic medical and biological research the participation of specialist with basic education in biotissue optics, properties of coherent radiation, theory of lasers and fiber optics, laser measurements, and principles of spectroscopy, on the one hand, and physiology, biochemical and biophysical mechanisms of radiation action on living systems, principles of medical diagnosis and objective criteria of treatment, on the other hand, is essential. In recent years, the need for specialists trained in physics and laser technology and at the same time with the knowledge of biology and medical disciplines is evident in industry. Many plants and research-productive amalgamations with modem high technologies lost the bulk of orders for the cutting of budget allocations to defense (in the US the reduction of defense spending takes place too'). Conversion ofindustry, the use ofhigh technology facilities for production oftechnically intricate medical equipment, including laser diagnostic and therapeutical units, is the way out. As a rule, large manufacturers have their own research and design departments, and that is the place where the specialists trained in interdisciplinary field of biomedical optics are needed. It is University with its traditional developed system of basic education in various fields ofnatural sciences (lecturers only for special medical courses should be invited from Saratov Medical University) that is able to train specialists who can on the base of basic knowledge and practical skills perform research and design project on their own.