15 May 1994 Distribution of workload over the working day in a PACS
Dennis L. Wilson, Donald V. Smith M.D.
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A new radiological exam spawns a collection of image movements in a PACS system. Historical images are fetched, images are moved to workstations for diagnosis, selected images are moved to other workstations for clinicians and for consultations. The distributions of the new images over the working day will establish the image load to which the PACS system must respond. At Madigan Army Medical Center 10.1% of the daily load of images occurs in the busiest hour of the day. Individual days may have an hour that has up to 15% of the average daily load. The PACS system must be able to handle the images that are spawned by the average 10.1% busy hour load with margin to be able to handle a 50% overload with acceptable degradation of the performance of the system.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Dennis L. Wilson and Donald V. Smith M.D. "Distribution of workload over the working day in a PACS", Proc. SPIE 2165, Medical Imaging 1994: PACS: Design and Evaluation, (15 May 1994); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Picture Archiving and Communication System

Image acquisition

Medical imaging

Computed tomography

Magnetic resonance imaging

Phase modulation


Image acquisition unit for the Mayo/IBM PACS project
Proceedings of SPIE (July 01 1991)
Detailed description of the Mayo/IBM PACS
Proceedings of SPIE (July 01 1991)
Image degradation in PACS
Proceedings of SPIE (August 01 1990)
Performance characteristics of the Mayo/IBM PACS
Proceedings of SPIE (July 01 1991)

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