25 August 1994 Full vectorial beam propagation method based on the directional decomposition of the electromagnetic field
Mathe van Stralen, Hans Blok
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Proceedings Volume 2212, Linear and Nonlinear Integrated Optics; (1994)
Event: Integrated Optoelectronics '94, 1994, Lindau, Germany
In the proposed method a directional decomposition of the electromagnetic field is made by eliminating the two field components along the propagation direction from the Maxwell equations. This results in a full vectorial two-way wave equation for the forward and backward traveling waves. By a simple manipulation, a set of two coupled one-way wave equations is constructed, which are pseudo-differential equations and contain simple terms for the interaction between the counter-propagating waves. The Green tensors corresponding to the one-way wave equations are expressed in terms of path integrals and can be based either upon the pseudo-differential operator or upon the corresponding left symbol. Using these path integrals a Bremmer coupling series is applied which completes the directional decomposition procedure. This new scheme encompasses all existing BPM-type methods. Some numerical results are given for a new BPM-type algorithm based upon the application of left symbols.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mathe van Stralen and Hans Blok "Full vectorial beam propagation method based on the directional decomposition of the electromagnetic field", Proc. SPIE 2212, Linear and Nonlinear Integrated Optics, (25 August 1994);
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Radio propagation

Wave propagation

Beam propagation method



Maxwell's equations


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