15 July 1994 Molecular beam epitaxy of HgCdTe for infrared focal plane arrays
Alain Million, P. Ferret, Jean-Paul Chamonal, Gerard L. Destefanis, Pierre Nicolas, Philippe Bouchut
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Middle wavelength IR photovoltaic detectors were fabricated with HgCdTe epilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The epilayers were grown on a slightly misoriented (111) B CdZnTe substrate and were twin free. Epitaxy was carried out with substrate rotation and the wavelength uniformity achieved on a 20 X 20 mm2 wafer was 0.80%. A planar photovoltaic technology was used to produce the IR photodiodes and the junction formation was obtained by ion implantation. Linear array photodiodes and 128 X 128 2D-arrays interconnected with a CCD readout circuit were achieved. RoA product values of 4.7 105 ohm cm2 were measured on diodes with a 4.7 micron cutoff wavelength at 77 K. The good homogeneity of the layer is reflected by the low value, 4.4%, of the standard deviation on the short circuit current histogram of the 2D-array.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alain Million, P. Ferret, Jean-Paul Chamonal, Gerard L. Destefanis, Pierre Nicolas, and Philippe Bouchut "Molecular beam epitaxy of HgCdTe for infrared focal plane arrays", Proc. SPIE 2225, Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays III, (15 July 1994); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Mercury cadmium telluride

Molecular beam epitaxy

Infrared radiation

Staring arrays



Infrared detectors


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