11 November 1994 Repair of x-ray multilayer optics by use of overcoating techniques
Ralph F. Pombo, Peter J. Biltoft
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In an era of rigid budget controls and limited resources, the efficiency of coating operations is of great concern. With expenditure reduction in mind, an investigation was initiated into the costly materials and procedures necessary in the production of X-ray optics. The expense of certain specialty substrates required us to evaluate the feasibility of a substrate recycling program. Substrate reuse could reduce initial cost and save acquisition time. Past research in this area centered mainly on stripping or resurfacing optics. Although this has been proven to be successful, it is time consuming and unsatisfactory for figured optics. One solution to this problem is to simply overcoat the optic with a new multilayer coating. If it could be demonstrated that there were no adverse effects to the performance of the optic, then the efficiency gains to both time and budget would be evident. Also worth of investigation, would be to explore the minimum thicknesses that are needed for proper masking of past multilayer coatings. In this paper we seek to examine these points and to determine which parameters of the x-ray overcoatings could adversely effect the performance. By exchanging coating elements, their thickness, and their composition we will demonstrate that there is not degradation of reflectivity. Included will be research substantiated by scanning electro microscope, and Mg-K(alpha) X-ray diffraction.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ralph F. Pombo and Peter J. Biltoft "Repair of x-ray multilayer optics by use of overcoating techniques", Proc. SPIE 2279, Advances in Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV/FUV Optics, (11 November 1994);
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