23 December 1994 Study of venous and carotid anastomoses in rats using an argon laser
Veronique L. Martinot, Valerie A. Mitchell, Serge R. Mordon, P. N. Pellerin, Jean Marc Brunetaud
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Proceedings Volume 2327, Medical Applications of Lasers II; (1994)
Event: International Symposium on Biomedical Optics Europe '94, 1994, Lille, France
The present in vivo study was undertaken in order to evaluate the patency rate and histological aspect on 30 venous anastomoses and 30 carotid anastomoses in Wistar rats using a laser. An argon laser was used with the following parameters: 100 mW, 3 s, continuous mode, spot equals 200 micrometers (fluence equals 950 J/cm2, irradiance equals 320 W/cm2). The macroscopic aspect and patency rate were evaluated at different post-operative intervals (30 days and 60 days). In the venous group, the patency rate was 100% with no saccular pseudo aneurism. In the arteries group, the patency rate was 93% with 3 saccular pseudo-aneurisms and 2 thromboses. Histological studies noted slight and transitory modifications of the media in the arterial group. In the venous group, the modifications appeared under the endothelium with conjunctival hyperplasia. Since the procedure was similar in both groups the lack of pseudo-aneurism in the venous group can be explained by a lower intravascular pressure.
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Veronique L. Martinot, Valerie A. Mitchell, Serge R. Mordon, P. N. Pellerin, and Jean Marc Brunetaud "Study of venous and carotid anastomoses in rats using an argon laser", Proc. SPIE 2327, Medical Applications of Lasers II, (23 December 1994);
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