10 October 1994 Combining edge and surface information for object recognition
Neelima Shrikhande, Gongzhu Hu
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One of the central problems of computer vision is model based object recognition. A catalogue of model objects is described via a set of features which are matched with the images. Image features that are most important to object recognition can be categorized into two types: edges and regions. Edges and surface patches are obtained from intensity and range images via independent algorithms. In this paper, we describe an algorithm that sets up a correspondence between the edge and surface features in a multiobject scene. Each edge is labeled with a list of surfaces to which it belongs and each surface is labeled with a list of edges that are on its boundary. This information can then be passed to higher level routines to group into individual objects for scene analysis. Both synthetic (with Gaussian noise) and real images containing multiple object scenes have been tested. Results appear quite encouraging.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Neelima Shrikhande and Gongzhu Hu "Combining edge and surface information for object recognition", Proc. SPIE 2353, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIII: Algorithms and Computer Vision, (10 October 1994);
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Object recognition

Detection and tracking algorithms

Edge detection

Image segmentation

Algorithm development

Image processing algorithms and systems

Visual process modeling


Constructing long edge segments for object recognition
Proceedings of SPIE (August 01 1992)
Aggregate particle image segmentation
Proceedings of SPIE (November 27 2007)
Graph structure for image segmentation
Proceedings of SPIE (April 04 1997)

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