31 January 1995 MaxVideo 200: a pipeline image processing architecture for performance-demanding applications
Glen L. Ahearn
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Proceedings Volume 2368, 23rd AIPR Workshop: Image and Information Systems: Applications and Opportunities; (1995)
Event: 23 Annual AIPR Workshop: Image and Information Systems: Applications and Opportunities, 1994, Washington, DC, United States
A variety of hardware architectures have been used to address image processing needs including general purpose processors (CPUs, array processors, and DSPs), parallel processors, and pipeline processors. In performance-demanding imaging applications a pipeline processing architecture, such as MaxVideo 200, has some distinct advantages. MaxVideo 200 is a pipeline processing architecture designed by Datacube for a variety of image processing applications. It consists of many different `algorithmically specific' processing sections that may be used to process the image in stages. These processing sections all operate at a 20 MHz, synchronous rate. Each processing section performs its operation (convolution, arithmetic operation, look-up table, etc...) in a fixed, integer number of clock cycles. The time it takes for each processing section to perform its function is known as pipeline delay. Since the pipeline delay of each section is fixed, the cumulative delay of passing the image data through multiple processing sections can be calculated. This cumulative delay can then be compensated for within the memory architecture of the MaxVideo 200. The memory architecture of the MaxVideo 200 also operates on the same synchronous 20 MHz clock as the processing section. By controlling when the memory acquires the image data after it has been processed, the image may be `realigned' in memory for display or further processing.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Glen L. Ahearn "MaxVideo 200: a pipeline image processing architecture for performance-demanding applications", Proc. SPIE 2368, 23rd AIPR Workshop: Image and Information Systems: Applications and Opportunities, (31 January 1995);
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Image processing



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Machine vision


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