9 October 1995 Using dual-laser flow cytometry for monitoring phytoplankton composition and integrity
Harald Schaefer, Wolfgang Beisker, Christian Steinberg
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Proceedings Volume 2504, Environmental Monitoring and Hazardous Waste Site Remediation; (1995)
Event: European Symposium on Optics for Environmental and Public Safety, 1995, Munich, Germany
Dual laser flow cytometry can be used for determining phytoplankton populations in lakes and lowland rivers and streams. Apart from answering basic limnological questions such as the time course of algal blooms or the annual succession of phytoplankton composition further investigations can be made for estimating the integrity of a phytoplankton community using biomass distribution spectra. Thus anthropogenic influence such as eutrophication, acidification or effects of xenobiotica can be monitored. Dual laser flow cytometry with excitation wavelengths of 458 and 528 nm was used to measure photosynthesis pigment fluorescence (chlorophyll a (CHLa), Em greater than 665 nm) and phycoerythrin (PE, Em 575 nm) and cell density of phytoplankton organisms in water samples. CHLa is excited directly by 458 nm and by energy transfer from carotenoids (Ex 528 nm). The ratio of the two fluorescence parameters (CFR) allows users to identify pigment groups in the phytoplankton population (chlorophytes and euglenophytes from chrysophytes, diatoms and dinophytes). PE- containing cyanophytes and cryptophytes can be detected by their PE fluorescence (Ex 528 nm). As a result of preliminary studies for preparing biomass spectra of phytoplankton communities measurements of protein content by staining with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC, Ex 488 nm, Em 530 nm) are also shown.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Harald Schaefer, Wolfgang Beisker, and Christian Steinberg "Using dual-laser flow cytometry for monitoring phytoplankton composition and integrity", Proc. SPIE 2504, Environmental Monitoring and Hazardous Waste Site Remediation, (9 October 1995);
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Flow cytometry


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