20 June 1995 Design and performance of thin foil XUV filters for the Multi-Spectral Solar Telescope Array II
James E. Plummer, Craig Edward DeForest, Dennis S. Martinez-Galarce, Charles C. Kankelborg, David B. Gore, Ray H. O'Neal, Arthur B. C. Walker Jr., Forbes R. Powell, Richard B. Hoover, Troy W. Barbee Jr., J. W. Weed
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The redesigned payload of the Multi-Spectral Solar Telescope Array (MSSTA), the MSSTA II, was successfully flown on November 3, 1994. The multilayer mirrors used in the normal incidence optical systems of the MSSTA II are efficient reflectors for soft x-ray/extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation at wavelengths that satisfy the Bragg condition, thus allowing a narrow band of the soft x-ray/EUV spectrum to be isolated. When applied to solar observations the temperature response of an optical system is quite sensitive to telescope bandpass because of the high density of lines in the coronal spectrum. We have designed a set of thin foil filters in conjunction with our multilayer optics to eliminate contaminant lines and specular reflectivity, thus enhancing the temperature diagnostic capabilities of our instruments. Extensive measurements have recently been carried out on the thin foil filters at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory. We describe here the design and performance of thin foil filters developed for the MSSTA II.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
James E. Plummer, Craig Edward DeForest, Dennis S. Martinez-Galarce, Charles C. Kankelborg, David B. Gore, Ray H. O'Neal, Arthur B. C. Walker Jr., Forbes R. Powell, Richard B. Hoover, Troy W. Barbee Jr., and J. W. Weed "Design and performance of thin foil XUV filters for the Multi-Spectral Solar Telescope Array II", Proc. SPIE 2515, X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics, (20 June 1995); Logo
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Optical filters


Extreme ultraviolet






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