1 September 1995 Development of a fast pixel array detector for use in microsecond time-resolved x-ray diffraction
Sandor L. Barna, John A. Shepherd, Robert L. Wixted, Mark W. Tate, Brian G. Rodricks, Sol M. Gruner
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A large-area pixel x-ray detector is being developed to collect eight successive frames of wide dynamic 2D images at 200kHz rates. Such a detector, to conjunction with a synchrotron radiation x-ray source, will enable time-resolved x-ray studies of proteins and other materials on time scales which have previously been inaccessible. The detector will consist of an array of fully-depleted 150 micron square diodes connected to a CMOS integrated electronics layer with solder bump-bonding. During each framing period, the current resulting from the x-rays stopped in the diodes is integrated in the electronics layer, and then strored in one of eight storage capacitors underneath the pixel. After the last frame, the capacitors are read out at standard data transmission rates. The detector has been designed for well-depth of at least 10,000 x-rays (at 12 keV), and a noise level of one x-ray. Ultimately, we intend to construct a detector with over one million pixels (1024 by 1024). We present the result of our development effort and various features of the design. The electronics design is discussed, with special attention to the performance requirements. The choice and design of the detective diodes, as they relate to x-ray stopping power and charge collection, are presented. An analysis of various methods of bump bonding is also presented. Finally, we discuss the possible need for a radiation-blocking layer, to be placed between the electronics and the detective layer, and various methods we have pursued in the construction of such a layer.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sandor L. Barna, John A. Shepherd, Robert L. Wixted, Mark W. Tate, Brian G. Rodricks, and Sol M. Gruner "Development of a fast pixel array detector for use in microsecond time-resolved x-ray diffraction", Proc. SPIE 2521, Time-Resolved Electron and X-Ray Diffraction, (1 September 1995); Logo
Cited by 18 scholarly publications.
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X-ray detectors

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