22 August 1995 Texture processing, analysis, and coding in synthetic aperture radar images
Jorge Lira-Chavez, Boris Escalante-Ramirez, Francisco Garcia-Ugalde
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A method for restoring, enhancing, segmenting, and coding textures in SAR images is presented. Image restoration and enhancement is achieved by means of a polynomial transform based algorithm. The first order polynomial transform coefficients provide an efficient tool for edge detection. These coefficients are transformed in order to adaptively reduce noise and enhance relevant edges on the image. The restored image is obtained by means of an inverse polynomial transform. Texture segmentation is based on an automatic region growing algorithm using the pixels context and an automatic selection of the critical parameters involved in the process. The value of these parameters is determined from the texture models employed and are optimized according to conditions given by local textures. Based on texture models, a distance between class textures has been worked out to measure the goodness of the segmentation. A texture map is also worked out where morphological parameters are provided including a value of texture structure. The image coding algorithm is adapted to the properties of the human visual perception, i.e., it separates the texture from the edge information. Multiscale edges are detected from the local maxima of a dyadic wavelet transform modulus. Relevant edges are selected and coded in the wavelet domain on a geometric basis. The remaining wavelet coefficients carry mostly texture information. Another wavelet representation is computed on the reconstructed image from the coded edges. Relevant textures are selected and coded in this alternative wavelet domain using an energy based criterion. The reconstruction is done by adding the coded edge image to the coded texture image.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jorge Lira-Chavez, Boris Escalante-Ramirez, and Francisco Garcia-Ugalde "Texture processing, analysis, and coding in synthetic aperture radar images", Proc. SPIE 2564, Applications of Digital Image Processing XVIII, (22 August 1995); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Image segmentation


Image compression

Image processing

Synthetic aperture radar

Wavelet transforms

Volume rendering


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