27 February 1996 Reconfigurable image coprocessor for mathematical morphology
Mohamed A. Wahab, Julian M. Holden, S. John Rees
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Proceedings Volume 2727, Visual Communications and Image Processing '96; (1996)
Event: Visual Communications and Image Processing '96, 1996, Orlando, FL, United States
The execution of morphological algorithms places a large computational burden on the main processor in an image processing system and requires dedicated hardware. This paper proposes a versatile reconfigurable morphological coprocessor, which is implemented using a static RAM-based FPGA device. The basic architecture and several alternative implementations are presented to illustrate the flexibility of the coprocessor whose architecture is modified under the control of the system's processor without any physical design changes.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mohamed A. Wahab, Julian M. Holden, and S. John Rees "Reconfigurable image coprocessor for mathematical morphology", Proc. SPIE 2727, Visual Communications and Image Processing '96, (27 February 1996);
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Image processing

Field programmable gate arrays

Binary data

Computing systems

Mathematical morphology

Chemical elements



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