25 November 1996 Notes on the filter magnetograph project
Nikolai I. Kobanov, Victor M. Grigoryev
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A simple design is proposed for a filter magnetograph, based on the bichromatic image methodusing magnetooptic filter. The scheme ensures an optimal harnessing of the light flux and the computermemory. A push-pull modulation, utilized in the instrument, is readily adjusted to CCD operating in the mode of a two-step image detector. There is good reason to hope that the signal/noise ratio can be improved considerably. In whole disk observations the magnetograph provides measurements of the general magnetic field simultaneously with a usual magnetogram. The possibility that the proposed magnetograph can be operated in the mode of measuring the steepness of the spectral line wing, is considered. This would contribute, in these authors' opinion, to more reliable calibration of conventional filter magnetograms as well as aiding a more correct evaluation of theintegral magnetic field flux in areas of the image with a transverse field and mixed polarity. Keywords : magneto-optical filter , magnetograph
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nikolai I. Kobanov and Victor M. Grigoryev "Notes on the filter magnetograph project", Proc. SPIE 2804, Missions to the Sun, (25 November 1996);
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