28 May 1997 High-speed radiometric imaging with a gated, intensified, digitally controlled camera
Charles C. Ross, Richard A. Sturz
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Proceedings Volume 2869, 22nd International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics; (1997)
Event: 22nd International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, 1996, Santa Fe, NM, United States
The development of an advanced instrument for real-time radiometric imaging of high-speed events is described. The Intensified Digitally-Controlled Gated (IDG) camera is a microprocessor-controlled instrument based on an intensified CCD that is specifically designed to provide radiometric optical data. The IDG supports a variety of camera- synchronous and camera-asynchronous imaging tasks in both passive imaging and active laser range-gated applications. It features both automatic and manual modes of operation, digital precision and repeatability, and ease of use. The IDG produces radiometric imagery by digitally controlling the instrument's optical gain and exposure duration, and by encoding and annotating the parameters necessary for radiometric analysis onto the resultant video signal. Additional inputs, such as date, time, GPS, IRIG-B timing, and other data can also be encoded and annotated. The IDG optical sensitivity can be readily calibrated, with calibration data tables stored in the camera's nonvolatile flash memory. The microprocessor then uses this data to provide a linear, calibrated output. The IDG possesses both synchronous and asynchronous imaging modes in order to allow internal or external control of exposure, timing, and direct interface to external equipment such as event triggers and frame grabbers. Support for laser range-gating is implemented by providing precise asynchronous CCD operation and nanosecond resolution of the intensifier photocathode gate duration and timing. Innovative methods used to control the CCD for asynchronous image capture, as well as other sensor and system considerations relevant to high-speed imaging are discussed in this paper.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Charles C. Ross and Richard A. Sturz "High-speed radiometric imaging with a gated, intensified, digitally controlled camera", Proc. SPIE 2869, 22nd International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, (28 May 1997); Logo
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