3 October 1996 Computer-simulative calculation and display for illumination system
Weibin Shi, Xiangxi Chen, Peili Zhu
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This project was to calculate the effect of illumination based on optical principles, structure of bulb and reflectors, and refracting unit of optical lens. This software can make designers clear of what the results are. Thus the modification time can be reduced when testing and cost will be saved. So far, a comprehensive software for simulative calculating and display of illumination of luminaire has been developed initially. This article discusses the basic principle and mathematic models of programming with respect to the structure of bulb, reflectors and optical lenses, simulation calculation and display of illumination. The article also introduces the function of the program and the results of calculation.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Weibin Shi, Xiangxi Chen, and Peili Zhu "Computer-simulative calculation and display for illumination system", Proc. SPIE 2899, Automated Optical Inspection for Industry, (3 October 1996);
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