13 November 1996 Case studies of optical ringing for airborne lasers seeing into sea water
Gary D. Gilbert, Mark H. North
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Proceedings Volume 2964, CIS Selected Papers: Laser Remote Sensing of Natural Waters: From Theory to Practice; (1996)
Event: CIS Selected Papers: Laser Remote Sensing of Natural Waters: From Theory to Practice, 1996, St.Petersburg, Russian Federation
Airborne lidars systems have progressed to the point where they are increasingly being used in surveys and bathymetric studies of coastal and littoral zones. Scattered laser pulse light in these turbid regions hurt the performance of lidar system s as photons delayed by multiple scattering simultaneously return with the signal from a distant target. This phenomenon is called 'optical ringing' and is analogous to reverberation in acoustics. A Monte Carlo model was used to examine the effect of water turbidity on the temporal storage of photons in increasing scattering orders for an airborne lidar. The lidars modeled had combinations of both wide and narrow source and receiver fields. The lidar looked at nadir into a flat clam sea with optical properties ranging from clear to turbid water. The amount of optical ringing present in a return was proportional to the size of the pulse-illuminated in water volume. The results showed multiple scattered light surpassing single scattered light returns for all cases of source-receiver field combinations for even the clearest water studied.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gary D. Gilbert and Mark H. North "Case studies of optical ringing for airborne lasers seeing into sea water", Proc. SPIE 2964, CIS Selected Papers: Laser Remote Sensing of Natural Waters: From Theory to Practice, (13 November 1996);
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Light scattering

Laser scattering

Signal to noise ratio

Ocean optics


Studies of optical ringing in seawater
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