22 May 1997 Development of hospital-integrated large-scale PACS in Seoul National University Hospital
JongHyo Kim, Kyoung Mo Yeon, Man Chung Han, Dong Hyuk Lee, Han Ik Cho
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The SNUH has started a PACS project with three main goals: to develop a fully hospital-integrated PACS, to develop a cost effective PACS using open systems architecture, and to extend PACS' role to the advanced application such as image guided surgery, multi-media assisted education and research. In order to achieve these goals, we have designed a PACS architecture which takes advantage of client-server computing, high speed communication network, computing power of up-to-date high-end PC, and advanced image compression method. We have installed ATM based communication network in radiology department and in-patient wards, and implemented DICOM compliant acquisition modules, image storage and management servers, and high resolution display workstations based on high-end PC and Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems. The SNUH PACS is in partial scale operation now, and will be expanded to full scale by the end of 1998.
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JongHyo Kim, Kyoung Mo Yeon, Man Chung Han, Dong Hyuk Lee, and Han Ik Cho "Development of hospital-integrated large-scale PACS in Seoul National University Hospital", Proc. SPIE 3035, Medical Imaging 1997: PACS Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical Issues, (22 May 1997); Logo
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Picture Archiving and Communication System

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