16 June 1997 Modulation transfer function assessment from periodic targets made of lines or points faced with intensity variations
Jerome Primot, Mathieu Chambon, Alain Philippe Kattnig
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The Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is of fundamental importance in the testing of imaging systems as it is used to characterize the transfer of the spatial frequencies for the observed object. Different techniques based on the use of periodic targets made of unresolved lines or points have been proposed to assess this figure of merit for sampled imaging systems. The main potential problem in implementation of these methods is the fact that it is often difficult to insure a good balance in intensity between the individual lines or points belonging to the target. In a recent paper, we describe an analytical model allowing a first estimation of the importance of this problem. The purpose of this paper is to present this model and to apply it to the specific case of the 2D characterization of the MTF of an imaging system.
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Jerome Primot, Mathieu Chambon, and Alain Philippe Kattnig "Modulation transfer function assessment from periodic targets made of lines or points faced with intensity variations", Proc. SPIE 3063, Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing VIII, (16 June 1997);
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Modulation transfer functions

Imaging systems

Spatial frequencies

Fourier transforms


Systems modeling

Point spread functions

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