28 July 1997 Enhanced image analysis through multilevel data fusion techniques
Christine Pohl, Duncan Munro, John L. van Genderen
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The Western European Union Satellite Center (WEUSC) operationally exploits multisensor data for security oriented applications using data fusion techniques. Fused data can contribute to improved interpretation capabilities and more reliable results since the data with different characteristics are combined. The input images vary in spectral and spatial resolution as well as in time and therefore give a more complete view of the objects observed. This paper outlines a research projected initiated by WEUSC with the aim to demonstrate the benefit of data fusion using data from visible/infrared and synthetic aperture RADAR satellite sensors with regards to improved visual image interpretation. All three processing levels of data fusion are considered, i.e. pixel-based, feature-based and decision-based. Using advanced analytical or numerical data fusion techniques the data are processed for visual and semi-automatic interpretation to extract and analyze features of interest, in particular man-made objects, such as airfields, vehicles and infrastructure. After a short description of the WEUSC framework an introduction to the data fusion demonstrator is given. The paper continues with a description of methodology, implementation, and first results obtained. It concludes with an evaluation of the experiences gained.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Christine Pohl, Duncan Munro, and John L. van Genderen "Enhanced image analysis through multilevel data fusion techniques", Proc. SPIE 3068, Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition VI, (28 July 1997); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Data fusion

Image fusion


Image processing

Image analysis

Satellite imaging

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