24 October 1997 Compressed bit stream classification using VQ and GMM
Wenhua Chen, C.-C. Jay Kuo
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Algorithms of classifying and segmenting bit streams with different source content (such as speech, text and image, etc.) and different coding methods (such as ADPCM, (mu) -law, tiff, gif and JPEG, etc.) in a communication channel are investigated. In previous work, we focused on the separation of fixed- and variable-length coded bit streams, and the classification of two variable-length coded bit streams by using Fourier analysis and entropy feature. In this work, we consider the classification of multiple (more than two sources) compressed bit streams by using vector quantization (VQ) and Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM). The performance of the VQ and GMM techniques depend on various parameters such as the size of the codebook, the number of mixtures and the test segment length. It is demonstrated with experiments that both VQ and GMM outperform the single entropy feature. It is also shown that GMM generally outperforms VQ.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Wenhua Chen and C.-C. Jay Kuo "Compressed bit stream classification using VQ and GMM", Proc. SPIE 3162, Advanced Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations VII, (24 October 1997);
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Image segmentation


Feature extraction

Image compression

Classification systems

Expectation maximization algorithms



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