14 January 1982 An American Association Of Physicists In Medicine (AAPM) Standard Magnetic Tape Format For Digital Image Exchange
G. Q. Maguire Jr., Brent S. Baxter, Lewis E. Hitchner
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This paper will describe the details of a standard magnetic tape format for digital image exchange; The topics which will be covered include: key-value pairs, required keys, comments, pixel location, and an overview of the software needed to utilize this standard. It will be illustrated by showing: How the standard would be used on a simple image; How additional descriptive information may be added to further annotate this image (the electronic lab notebook); How a tape is created, How images are added to an existing tape; and, How an image is selected and extracted for the tape. A separate paper will describe the philosophy for this standard, motivating the features of the standard, while this paper will focus on the information necessary for implementation of software to support it's use.
© (1982) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
G. Q. Maguire Jr., Brent S. Baxter, and Lewis E. Hitchner "An American Association Of Physicists In Medicine (AAPM) Standard Magnetic Tape Format For Digital Image Exchange", Proc. SPIE 0318, 1st Intl Conf and Workshop on Picture Archiving and Communication Systems, (14 January 1982); Logo
Cited by 10 scholarly publications.
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Medical imaging

Digital imaging

Standards development

Data communications



Picture Archiving and Communication System


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