28 August 1998 Performance overview and science goals of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph for the Hubble Space Telescope
Jon A. Morse, James C. Green, Dennis Charles Ebbets, John Paul Andrews, Sara R. Heap, Claus Leitherer, J. L. Linsky, Blair D. Savage, J. Michael Shull, Theodore P. Snow, S. Alan Stern, John T. Stocke, Erik Wilkinson
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We present an overview of the expected performance and science goals of the cosmic origins spectrograph (COS), a fourth generation instrument to be installed aborad the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) during the fourth HST servicing mission scheduled for late 2002. COS is a UV spectrograph optimized for observing faint point sources with moderate spectral resolution. The instrument has two channels: a far- UV channel that is sensitive in the 1150-1775 angstrom wavelength range and a near-UV channel that operates between 1750-3200 angstrom. The COS science team program concentrates on QSO absorption line systems and the IGM, dynamics of the ISM in galaxies and galaxy halos, UV extinction in the Milky Way, horizontal-branch stars in globular clusters, and volatile gases in the atmospheres of solar system bodies.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jon A. Morse, James C. Green, Dennis Charles Ebbets, John Paul Andrews, Sara R. Heap, Claus Leitherer, J. L. Linsky, Blair D. Savage, J. Michael Shull, Theodore P. Snow, S. Alan Stern, John T. Stocke, and Erik Wilkinson "Performance overview and science goals of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph for the Hubble Space Telescope", Proc. SPIE 3356, Space Telescopes and Instruments V, (28 August 1998); Logo
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Carbon monoxide

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Galactic astronomy



Far-infrared imaging spectroscopy with SAFIRE on SOFIA
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The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
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