23 September 1998 Demonstrations of phase grating recording in KD*P at room temperature
Boris V. Anikeev, S. A. Kutsenko, D. V. Sin'ko, V. S. Sukhorukov
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Proceedings Volume 3488, Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive Crystals II; (1998)
Event: International Conference on Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive Crystals, 1997, Partenit, Crimea, Ukraine
It is presented the result of two experiments for excitation of dynamic phase grating in the photorefractive KD*P crystal putted in the cavity of YAG:Nd3+ laser. In the first experiment the control by a spectrum of the pulse laser generation is carried out by an external radiation of YAG:Nd3+ CW-laser. It was found that the influence of the external radiation to a spectrum of the pulse laser generation is existed for a long time after injection switched off. In the second one a passive selection of transversal modes of CW-laser was automatic. It is marked, that in both experiments the energy and the power of radiation are less than the threshold of effective excitation of the dislocation subsystem resulting to photorefraction in the KD*P crystal at the room temperature. Additional polarizing measurements point to excitation of impurity centers in the KD*P crystal.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Boris V. Anikeev, S. A. Kutsenko, D. V. Sin'ko, and V. S. Sukhorukov "Demonstrations of phase grating recording in KD*P at room temperature", Proc. SPIE 3488, Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive Crystals II, (23 September 1998);
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