18 August 1998 Radiant calibration for solar channels of spaceborne remote sensor
Qingbo Zheng, Lei Ding
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The application of remote sensing is, to a greater extent, based on the quality of the sensors. The prelaunch radiant calibration and post-launch validation, which are the process of quantitatively defining the system response to known, controlled signal inputs, are among the key stages of the development procedure of a remote sensor. Calibration of a remote sensor is to develop the calibration equations that allow conversion of the counts for the sensor into Earth- exiting radiance. These radiances are the geophysical properties the instrument has been designed to measure. With solar radiation-based calibration, sphere radiation-based calibration, on-orbit calibrator and ground-based calibration, the remote sensor data can be quantitatively applied on atmosphere, environment. The precision of several methods is mentioned in the paper. The Chinese meteorological satellites had used the procedures to calibrate the sensors.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Qingbo Zheng and Lei Ding "Radiant calibration for solar channels of spaceborne remote sensor", Proc. SPIE 3505, Imaging System Technology for Remote Sensing, (18 August 1998);
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Sensor calibration

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Optical spheres


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