THe progress made recently in display technology covers many fields of application. The specification of radiance, colorimetry and lighting efficiency creates some new challenges for designers. Photometric design is limited by the capability of correctly predicting the result of a lighting system, to save on the costs and time taken to build multiple prototypes or bread board benches. The second step of the research carried out by company OPTIS is to propose an optimization method to be applied to the lighting system, developed in the software SPEOS. The main features of the tool requires include the CAD interface, to enable fast and efficient transfer between mechanical and light design software, the source modeling, the light transfer model and an optimization tool. The CAD interface is mainly a prototype of transfer, which is not the subjects here. Photometric simulation is efficiently achieved by using the measured source encoding and a simulation by the Monte Carlo method. Today, the advantages and the limitations of the Monte Carlo method are well known. The noise reduction requires a long calculation time, which increases with the complexity of the display panel. A successful optimization is difficult to achieve, due to the long calculation time required for each optimization pass including a Monte Carlo simulation. The problem was initially defined as an engineering method of study. The experience shows that good understanding and mastering of the phenomenon of light transfer is limited by the complexity of non sequential propagation. The engineer must call for the help of a simulation and optimization tool. The main point needed to be able to perform an efficient optimization is a quick method for simulating light transfer. Much work has been done in this area and some interesting results can be observed. It must be said that the Monte Carlo method wastes time calculating some results and information which are not required for the needs of the simulation. Low efficiency transfer system cost a lot of lost time. More generally, the light transfer simulation can be treated efficiently when the integrated result is composed of elementary sub results that include quick analytical calculated intersections. The first axis of research appear. The quick integration research and the quick calculation of geometric intersections. The first axis of research brings some general solutions also valid for multi-reflection systems. The second axis requires some deep thinking on the intersection calculation. An interesting way is the subdivision of space in VOXELS. This is an adapted method of 3D division of space according to the objects and their location. An experimental software has been developed to provide a validation of the method. The gain is particularly high in complex systems. An important reduction in the calculation time has been achieved.