19 May 1999 Creating a Web-based image database for benchmarking image retrieval systems
Corinne Joergensen, Rohini K. Srihari
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Proceedings Volume 3644, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IV; (1999)
Event: Electronic Imaging '99, 1999, San Jose, CA, United States
There is, at present, a critical need within image retrieval research for an image testbed which would enable the objective evaluation of different content-based search engines, indexing and metadata schemes, and search heuristics, as well as research and evaluation in image- based knowledge structures and system architectures, user's needs in image retrieval and the cognitive processes involved in image searching. This paper discusses a pilot project specifying and establishing a prototype testbed for the evaluation of image retrieval techniques. A feasibility study is underway focusing on the development of a large set of standardized test images accessible through a web interface, and researchers in the field are being surveyed for input. Areas being addressed in the feasibility study include technical specifications as well as content issues such as: which specific image domains to include; the useful proportion of imags belonging to specific domains to images belonging to a general 'world' domain; types of image attributes and baseline and 'advanced' levels of image description needed, and research needs to be accommodated, as well as development of a standardized set of test queries and the establishment of methods for 'truthing' the database and test queries.
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Corinne Joergensen and Rohini K. Srihari "Creating a Web-based image database for benchmarking image retrieval systems", Proc. SPIE 3644, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IV, (19 May 1999); Logo
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Image retrieval


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