22 October 1999Cryogenic microcalorimeters for high-resolution energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometry
Godehard Angloher, Michael Altmann, Matthias Buehler, Franz von Feilitzsch, Theo Hertrich, Paul Hettl, Jens Hoehne, Michael Huber, Josef Jochum, Rudolf Moessbauer, Johann Schnagl, Stefanie Waenninger
Godehard Angloher,1 Michael Altmann,1 Matthias Buehler,2 Franz von Feilitzsch,1 Theo Hertrich,2 Paul Hettl,1 Jens Hoehne,2 Michael Huber,1 Josef Jochum,1 Rudolf Moessbauer,1 Johann Schnagl,1 Stefanie Waenninger1
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We are developing both superconducting tunnel junctions and phase transition thermometers for high resolution x-ray spectroscopy. A resolution of 12 eV has been achieved for aluminum tunnel junctions when irradiated by 5.9 keV x-rays. These devices show linear energy response in the range between 200 eV and 6.5 keV. Phase transition thermometers consisting of an iridium/gold bi-layer and a gold absorber gave a resolution of 15.5 eV at 5.9 keV. The application of both sensor types is facilitated considerably by the use of an ADR cryostat. This mobile system allowed to characterize tunnel junctions at the Bessy I synchrotron.
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Godehard Angloher, Michael Altmann, Matthias Buehler, Franz von Feilitzsch, Theo Hertrich, Paul Hettl, Jens Hoehne, Michael Huber, Josef Jochum, Rudolf Moessbauer, Johann Schnagl, Stefanie Waenninger, "Cryogenic microcalorimeters for high-resolution energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometry," Proc. SPIE 3765, EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy X, (22 October 1999); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.366543