22 October 1999 Test and performance of the engineering model of PICsIT: the high-energy detector plane on board the INTEGRAL satellite
Claudio Labanti, Elio Rossi, Fulvio Gianotti, Filomena Schiavone, Alessandro Traci, Alessandro Mauri, P. Bastia, E. Cavazzuti
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IBIS is a space-telescope designed to produce sky images in the 15 keV to 10 MeV energy range with an angular resolution of several arcminutes over a wide field of view. This is obtained by deconvolving the shadow gram projected by a coded mask onto two pixelated detector layers sensitive to the incident radiation interaction position. The upper layer, ISGRI, consists of 16384 CdTe elements operating in the low energy range, while the underlying layer, PICsIT, is made up of 8 identical modules housing altogether 4096 CsI(TI) scintillating crystals coupled to PIN photodiodes operating in the 0.15 to 10 MeV energy range. The expected performances of IBIS were described in a dedicated session of the SPIE Symposium in August 1996, while performances of the PICsIT single detection units have been presented at SPIE in July 1998.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Claudio Labanti, Elio Rossi, Fulvio Gianotti, Filomena Schiavone, Alessandro Traci, Alessandro Mauri, P. Bastia, and E. Cavazzuti "Test and performance of the engineering model of PICsIT: the high-energy detector plane on board the INTEGRAL satellite", Proc. SPIE 3765, EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy X, (22 October 1999);
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Gamma radiation

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