9 September 1999 Multichannel telecentric flying spot scanner for real-time surface inspection
Seetharama K. Sureshbabu, Andrew K. Forrest, Anthony J. McCollum
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Proceedings Volume 3823, Laser Metrology and Inspection; (1999)
Event: Industrial Lasers and Inspection (EUROPTO Series), 1999, Munich, Germany
A telecentric flying spot scanner consisting of a rotating multifaceted mirror and a 500 mm diameter parabolic mirror for the inspection of large flat and embossed surfaces up to 400 mm wide is described. Real time high resolution 2-D images at three different angles are obtained providing various types of intensity profiles of the surface. These channels are linearly combined to form pseudo-color images. The image size per channel is limited to about 4 Mbytes by the maximum direct memory access buffer area used by the image grabber card. Images with variable resolutions (for example, 2048 X 2048 pixel or 10000 X 400 pixel) are therefore feasible. Photomultiplier tubes are used for light detection to offer good signal-to-noise ratio and to cover a wide dynamic signal detection range varying from scattered to specular light. Composite images for ceramic tiles with different textures, colors and surface features are presented. These images show some interesting features of the surface profile and texture which otherwise could not be observed using a CCD camera or a single channel scanner. Subtle flaws such as fine scratches and finger marks on the surface and the surface texture variations can be easily identified.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Seetharama K. Sureshbabu, Andrew K. Forrest, and Anthony J. McCollum "Multichannel telecentric flying spot scanner for real-time surface inspection", Proc. SPIE 3823, Laser Metrology and Inspection, (9 September 1999); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Light scattering

Signal detection

Signal to noise ratio

Image resolution


Design of a compact 3D laser scanner
Proceedings of SPIE (August 27 1999)
Laser measuring scanners and their accuracy limits
Proceedings of SPIE (September 22 1993)

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