11 January 2000 Then and now
Arthur Kantrowitz
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 3886, High-Power Lasers in Energy Engineering; (2000)
Event: Advanced High-Power Lasers and Applications, 1999, Osaka, Japan
I treasure the analogy between aging and climbing a mountain. Ofcourse there are differences, mountain climbing is usually voluntary. As you climb a mountain you lose the ground detail but on a clear day broad views ofthe landscape are visible. The view from the mountain top is sometimes helpful to those working on the ground. I hope that the broad view ofthe technological landscape I present today will be ofsome use to those ofyou still lucky enough to be tilling that landscape. I will refer primarily to the I JS scene hut I believe that the technological landscape is as universal as human nature
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Arthur Kantrowitz "Then and now", Proc. SPIE 3886, High-Power Lasers in Energy Engineering, (11 January 2000);
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