11 November 1999 Advances in missile technology: impact of photonics
A. Sivathanu Pillai
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 3897, Advanced Photonic Sensors and Applications; (1999)
Event: International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, 1999, Singapore, Singapore
This paper discusses the role and impact of advancements in Photonics Technology on the performance enhancement of guided missile weapon system with specific reference to the development of Indian guided missiles program. India is emerging as a technologically strong nation with core competence in Space, Missile and Nuclear technologies, advanced computing including supercomputers and software. Based on the realization of the fact that high technology strength is the key to economic prosperity and military strength, India is progressing several high technology areas that help in attaining the global competitiveness. Photonics is identified as one of the important ares in this direction and hence high priority has been accorded for R and D in Photonics. This paper reviews the current trends and developments in missile technology and highlights some of the important developments in Photonics that have a force multiplying effect on the performance enhancement of guided missile systems.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. Sivathanu Pillai "Advances in missile technology: impact of photonics", Proc. SPIE 3897, Advanced Photonic Sensors and Applications, (11 November 1999);
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