4 November 1999 Compact high-power diode-array-pumped Nd:CNGG laser employing CUSP geometry optical coupling
Amitav Mallik, Lalita Agrawal
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Proceedings Volume 3898, Photonic Systems and Applications in Defense and Manufacturing; (1999)
Event: International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, 1999, Singapore, Singapore
This paper presents the design of a Compact High Power Diode Array Pumped Nd:CNGG laser employing cusp geometry concentrator for optical coupling in the side pumped configuration. The design addresses two major issues that influence the performance of a Diode Pumped Solid State Laser i.e. choice of suitable laser material and optical coupling scheme. The design employs an Nd:CNGG rod of (phi) 3mm X 10mm dimension, fluid cooled through coaxial flow tube of 5mm diameter. Light from a Quasi-CW laser diode array stack of 2 cm X 1 cm dimension is coupled through a cusp geometry concentrator of 18mm aperture. The system is capable of generating a high average power of approximately 30W at an input of 800W peak power. Optimum performance of the system has been compared with that of Nd:YAG laser operating under similar conditions. Nd:CNGG is found to be more efficient at higher input energies.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Amitav Mallik and Lalita Agrawal "Compact high-power diode-array-pumped Nd:CNGG laser employing CUSP geometry optical coupling", Proc. SPIE 3898, Photonic Systems and Applications in Defense and Manufacturing, (4 November 1999); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Semiconductor lasers

Nd:YAG lasers



High power lasers

Diode pumped solid state lasers

Rod lasers


High Power Diode Pumped 1.06 Micron Solid State Laser
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