18 November 1999 Feasibility of optical correlation diagnostics of multifractals
Oleg V. Angelsky, Alexander V. Kovalchuk, Peter P. Maksimyak
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Proceedings Volume 3904, Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics; (1999)
Event: International Conference on Correlation Optics, 1999, Chernivsti, Ukraine
Diffraction of radiation by Cantor set based multifractals is studied. Connection among dimension and level of an object's supporting fractal as well as its multifractal construction parameter and its diffraction pattern's singularity spectra and asymmetry parameters is searched. It has been shown that the position of singularity spectrum maximum depends on the dimension of the object's supporting fractal, singularity spectrum half-width as well as near- field pattern's asymmetry coefficient occurs to be acceptable for evaluation of the object construction ratio parameters, length of asymmetry coefficient saturation zone depends on the level of the object's supporting fractal.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Oleg V. Angelsky, Alexander V. Kovalchuk, and Peter P. Maksimyak "Feasibility of optical correlation diagnostics of multifractals", Proc. SPIE 3904, Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, (18 November 1999);
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