28 April 2000 Optical computed tomography of multiple-scattering media using laser spectral linewidth broadening
Yuuki Watanabe, Tetsuya Yuasa, Balasigamani Devaraj, Takao Akatsuka, H. Inaba
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Optical tomography and imaging techniques using coherence domain methods are widely studied for biomedical applications. Most optical tomographic images are reconstructed using the intensities of transmitted or reflected lights. In highly scattering media such as biological tissues, the exponential attenuation of the coherence-gated transmitted light beyond an optical thickness of 20 scattering mean free paths is small when compared to attenuation in a relatively transparent media. Tomographic image reconstruction of optical thicker scattering media using the intensity of emergent photons results in images of low resolution and contrast. Here, we report transillumination optical computed tomography (CT) of highly scattering media using the laser spectral linewidth broadening, instead of the transmitted light intensity. We demonstrate that quantitative scattering linewidth broadening CT images. Our method could provide novel information on biomedical applications of thick tissues, where the differences in the scattering coefficients or dynamic properties can not be quantitatively determined from the images reconstructed with the intensity of transmitted light.
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Yuuki Watanabe, Tetsuya Yuasa, Balasigamani Devaraj, Takao Akatsuka, and H. Inaba "Optical computed tomography of multiple-scattering media using laser spectral linewidth broadening", Proc. SPIE 3915, Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedical Science and Clinical Applications IV, (28 April 2000);
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Laser scattering

Light scattering

Mie scattering

Computed tomography

Laser cutting


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