21 December 1999 Colorimetric characterization beyond three colorants
Po-Chieh Hung
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The colorimetric characterization of printers using more than three colorants is discussed. In such printers, there is no unique combination of colorant amounts for the reproduction of a particular color. We categorize these printers as either black printers or hi-fi printers. Black printers use black (K) in addition to cyan (C), magenta (M), and yellow (Y). Hi-fi printers use saturated colorants such as red (R), green (G), and blue (B) in addition to CMYK colorants. We propose two methods of determining combinations of colorant amounts: the variable reduction method and the division method. The variable reduction method uses connecting functions to reduce the number of variables controlling colorant amounts. Although this method offers simplicity, it does not always utilize the entire color gamut. The division method employs sub-gamuts composed of appropriate sets of three or four colorants; these sub- gamuts are combined to form the entire color. While the division method allows access to the entire color gamut, its boundaries tend to cause pseudo contours due to abrupt changes of colorant amount. To facilitate the use of the division method, we have developed a software tool and verified the algorithm involved using a hypothetical hi-fi printer in computer simulation.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Po-Chieh Hung "Colorimetric characterization beyond three colorants", Proc. SPIE 3963, Color Imaging: Device-Independent Color, Color Hardcopy, and Graphic Arts V, (21 December 1999); Logo
Cited by 8 scholarly publications.
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