23 December 1999 Efficient multifeature index structures for music data retrieval
Wegin Lee, Arbee L. P. Chen
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Proceedings Volume 3972, Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2000; (1999)
Event: Electronic Imaging, 2000, San Jose, CA, United States
In this paper, we propose four index structures for music data retrieval. Based on suffix trees, we develop two index structures called combined suffix tree and independent suffix trees. These methods still show shortcomings for some search functions. Hence we develop another index, called Twin Suffix Trees, to overcome these problems. However, the Twin Suffix Trees lack of scalability when the amount of music data becomes large. Therefore we propose the fourth index, called Grid-Twin Suffix Trees, to provide scalability and flexibility for a large amount of music data. For each index, we can use different search functions, like exact search and approximate search, on different music features, like melody, rhythm or both. We compare the performance of the different search functions applied on each index structure by a series of experiments.
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Wegin Lee and Arbee L. P. Chen "Efficient multifeature index structures for music data retrieval", Proc. SPIE 3972, Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2000, (23 December 1999); Logo
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