24 October 2000 Optomechanical design of the Incubator Wide Field of View Imaging Spectrometer
Robert E. Haring, Gary C. Vanstone, Frank Nguyen, Cesar A. Rodil
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The optomechanical design of the Wide Field of View Imaging Spectrometer (WFIS) is presented. Developed under NASA's Instrument Incubator Program, the Incubator WFIS is a hyperspectral-imaging spectrometer covering a 120° x .015° field of view over a 360 nm to 1000 nm spectral range. The Incubator's mission is to demonstrate, via flight aboard NASA's DC-8 Research Aircraft, new technology for earth science. The Incubator WFIS is designed specifically for observing the earth and earth's atmosphere for chemistry and aerosol studies. The optomechanical design couples an off-axis F/3 Schwarzchild telescope to a three element Offner Spectrometer using two unique anamorphic/aspheric field elements. The complete sensor, including a CCD detector and electronics, occupies a volume of approximately cubic shape measuring 25 cm on an edge. An off-axis optical system such as the incubator WFIS requires a multidisciplinary design approach. This paper emphasized the importance that systems approach plays in optomechanical design. This is typified by the trades performed to establish the optimum design alternative for the optical metering structure to achieve the 0.010 nm wavelength stability (with a .005 nm goal) needed for the science mission.
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert E. Haring, Gary C. Vanstone, Frank Nguyen, and Cesar A. Rodil "Optomechanical design of the Incubator Wide Field of View Imaging Spectrometer", Proc. SPIE 4093, Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Systems Engineering, (24 October 2000); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Optomechanical design

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