22 January 2001 Laser resist screening for iP3500/3600 replacement for advanced reticle fabrication
Fumiko Ota, Hideo Kobayashi, Takao Higuchi, Keishi Asakawa
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This paper will describe resist screening results for iP3500/3600 replacement for the advanced laser reticle fabrication, resist coating thickness optimization proposal for the next generation as well. THMR-M100 (TOK) showed the best pattern profile with sharp shoulders and almost with no footing, and a newly developed resist, a joint-work between HOYA and a resist maker, showed the best performance in adhesion to chrome. However, there was not the best selection found unfortunately by this screening, which exceeded iP3500 in linearity and iso-dense bias (IDB) that was indispensable one for the advanced laser reticle fabrication. As regards coating thickness, we selected 307.5 nm thick as a candidate for coating thickness standard for the future with considering resist resolution performance such as linearity, y p(0-80) value and undercut, in conjunction with a risk of clear pinhole defects. For more precise comparison of iso-dense bias (IDB) performance, it would be better that the examination method is standardized because of the design pattern dependence of IDB.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Fumiko Ota, Hideo Kobayashi, Takao Higuchi, and Keishi Asakawa "Laser resist screening for iP3500/3600 replacement for advanced reticle fabrication", Proc. SPIE 4186, 20th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology, (22 January 2001); Logo
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