6 October 2000 Designing of optical elements manufactured by diamond turning
Sergey V. Solk, Sergey E. Shevtsov, Alexei Yakovlev
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Proceedings Volume 4231, Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology 2000; (2000)
Event: International Topical Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology, 2000, Chengdu, China
The requirements to the design of the optical components, the surfaces of which are machined by diamond turning, are systematized. It is demonstrated that the requirements to the design are determined by the type and parameters of the machine on which processing is realized as well as by the optical component application taking into consideration the possibilities of the technology control of component geometry and optic parameters and the technology of the assembling of the whole device. The examples of the design of the low cooled off-axis, W shaped, scanning and other types of optical components. There are presented design of the some components that may be manufactured only by means of diamond turning (polygon mirrors with different tilt angles, mirrors with concentric and shifted optical surfaces). Recommendations and design solutions that are suggested may be used for the designers of the optical devices.
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sergey V. Solk, Sergey E. Shevtsov, and Alexei Yakovlev "Designing of optical elements manufactured by diamond turning", Proc. SPIE 4231, Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology 2000, (6 October 2000); Logo
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Optical components

Diamond turning

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