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There has been developed self-consistent kinetic model of a low pressure gas discharge inside a narrow channel. There has been studied the influence of spatial charge in positive column upon low temperature plasma instability by means of non-local theory. By means of modulating DC discharge with a weak harmonic signal followed by decoding plasma linear response on external influence was solved the problem of identifying various low-temperature plasma ionization instability manifestations with certain features of physical processes under conditions when discharges are used in helium- neon lasers. There has been executed a quantity comparison of theoretical and experimental results for glow discharges in narrow tubes, which were filled with helium or helium-neon mixtures.
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The dependence of the axial resolution of two-photon excitation (TPE) fluorescence microscope with nanosecond pulse laser on the kinetics of photoprocesses in dye molecules has been studied. It is shown that saturation effects and the fluorescence quenching due to absorption of the third photon by the excited dye molecule can deteriorate substantially the microscope resolution.
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Over last years, the ring lasers are wildly used as sensors of inertial measuring and navigational systems, due to such exceptional properties, as high accuracy, wide dynamic range, non-sensitivity to linear acceleration, et al. In the conditions of growing speeds and density of railway traffic, growing requirements to accuracy of measurements, the systems on ring laser gyro (RLG) and accelerometers seem to be the most promising. Track checking includes the use of track measuring cars or carriages automatically recording the railway condition control of the railway under a load by the use of specialized track measuring vehicles equipped with computers for registration and analysis of measurement results. Although the ring laser gyroscope provides a very high accuracy in the measurement of angular rates and angles, it does have one significant problem -- synchronization of the counter-propagating waves. This effect is usually referred to as lock-in. There were many solutions to the lock-in problem, but mechanical dithering of the RLG was finally adopted as a practical solution to it.
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A possibilities of inertial and magnetic methods, a path of a design inertial-magnetic systems used to define a translation and angular orientation are considered. The singularities of a strapdown inertial navigation systems (SINS) application in a complex with three-component flux gate magnetometer, the methods of processing of a measurement information will be discussed.
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The report is dedicated to research of systematic errors of angle measurement by a dynamic laser goniometer (DLG) on the basis of a ring laser (RL), intended of certification of optical angle encoders (OE), and development of methods of separation the errors of different types and their algorithmic compensation. The OE was of the absolute photoelectric angle encoder type with an informational capacity of 14 bits. Cinematic connection with a rotary platform was made through mechanical connection unit (CU). The measurement and separation of a systematic error to components was carried out with applying of a method of cross-calibration at mutual turns OE in relation to DLG base and CU in relation to OE rotor. Then the Fourier analysis of observed data was made. The research of dynamic errors of angle measurements was made with use of dependence of measured angle between reference direction assigned by the interference null-indicator (NI) with an 8-faced optical polygon (OP), and direction defined by means of the OE, on angular rate of rotation. The obtained results allow to make algorithmic compensation of a systematic error and in the total considerably to reduce a total error of measurements.
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A comparative analysis of the efficiency of generation of the second harmonic of a TEA CO-2) laser in Te, ZnGeP2, GaSe, AgGaSe2, and Tl3AsSe3 single crystals as well as of the absorption properties of these crystals and the damage threshold of their surface has been performed on the basis of experimental data. High-optical-quality AgGaSe2 crystals holding much promise for the second harmonic generation have been grown. Phisico-chemical features of the process of growing and annealing of these crystals were investigated. It was revealed that the efficiency of the conversion of the CO2 laser radiation in ZnGeP2 and AgGaSe2 crystals can be significantly increased at the expense of shortening of laser pulses, which can be effected by a simple optical device -- a plasma gate.
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Copper vapor pulse laser radiation has a wide application in molecular iodine monitoring in atmosphere. Back scattering Fluorescence, vibrational Raman and Differential Absorption lidar equations computer simulation for iodine molecules and copper vapor and excimer lasers have been made to compare these lidar systems possibilities for studied molecules monitoring in atmosphere. Background stray sunlight power were calculated to determine the minimum molecules concentration at ranging distance up to 5 km.
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This report is devoted to problems of laser interferometers. Laser interferometers continue to be improved presently, they are applied in the newest directions of a science and engineering. They can ensure the highest accuracy of measurements. However they have the lacks, which constrain their application in an industry. We shall consider these lacks, opportunities of their elimination, concept optimum laser interferometer.
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The results of investigation of the temperature effect on the intermode beat frequency for a two-frequency He-Ne laser with tree-mirror cavity are presented. The laser cavity was made as a monoblock unit of the material, which coefficient of thermal expansion is less than 2 X 10-7 K-1. The mirrors was mounted by optical contact technique. The beat frequency stabilization is performed by using the temperature dependence for linear phase anisotropy of the tilted mirror. The laser wavelength is 633 nm. The light angle on the tilted mirror is 45 degrees. At the stabilized regime the beat frequency drift does not exceed +/- 100 Hz during 15 min. The typical transition time value was 50 - 250 s.
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The results of experimental and theoretical investigations of designed four-mirror two-frequency He-Ne laser operated at 0.63 microns wavelength are presented. The high stability of beat frequency and orthogonally polarized waves intensities is reached. Stability of laser parameters is achieved by use of new cavity construction and mutually orthogonal transverse magnetic fields in two sections of active medium. Such lasers can be successfully used in heterodyne measuring systems working in severe conditions of exploitation.
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Optic and fiber optic interference (phase) scheme are successfully used in creating of hydro-acoustic sensors, vibration sensors and measurers of other magnitudes. The most actual type of the interference sensors is a construction which utilize remote passive all optics sensitive interferometer (Fig. 1). In such devices the additional phase modulation and special methods of signal processing are traditionally used. The resolution of the interference sensor is limited by the noise factor of its elements. The final output noise level of the sensor depends of the optical scheme and method of signal processing. This report is devoted to the neutralization of the influence of the light intensity fluctuations on the sensor resolution using pseudo-heterodyne signal processing. Suppression of this factor in phase optical sensors is not often discussed in literature because laser intensity noise is usually insignificant relatively to other noise mechanisms. However in remote sensors with long distance between signal processing unit and sensitive element we have another situation. External influence (acoustics, vibrations) on lead in and lead out optical paths gives an essential income in the intensity noise at the optics exit. This income is especially sizable (up to tens percents) in remote sensors with opened air optical lead in and out. Sometimes they can even make signal measuring impossible.
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We studied a multi-atom model of microlaser. As initial conditions we took diagonal density matrix of atoms in the basis of symmetrized collective states. Under diagnonal invariance taking a place for such initial conditions, we considered peculiarities of dynamics of the field reduced density matrix comparing it with the one-atom case. The field possesses subpoissonian distributions in a quasistationare, which are stable with respect to relaxation and number of atoms fluctuations in a packet. When one does not measure the atomic state on output of the cavity, it is possible to observe a macroscopic superposition of few such subpoissonian distributions. Simulating a measuring process of the atomic state, we found that in the quasistationare at any moment the field appears in one of the states and has a subpoissonian statistics of photons.
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1.06-micrometer Nd:YAG laser as well as 1.5-micrometer Yb:Er:glass one under transversal pulsed diode pumping are considered. At free running mode maximum slope efficiency was 31.5% and 31% respectively. Excellent short-term stability of the output energy was demonstrated. In series of few tens of pulses the standard deviation was less than 0.03%. It is shown that noise of pumping radiation practically does not influence on spiking of Yb:Er glass laser radiation, while it may strongly influence on spiking of Nd:YAG laser. Strong influence of weak reflection of laser radiation from an extra- cavity surface on spiking of Er:glass laser is observed. A conclusion is made that the radiation is rather coherent. Tuning of Er:glass laser spectrum within about 4 nm is obtained at low variation of output energy. Splitting of 1535- nm spectral line into several components is observed.
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The novel colorimeter based on acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) is discussed in this paper. The proposed colorimeter is based on spectrometric method of color coordinate measurements. Colorimeters of this type are known as spectrocolorimeters. The accuracy of color coordinate measurements is dependent on the accuracy of radiation spectrum measurements namely on AOTF resolution power. The results of experimental testing are provided, the structural scheme of proposed spectrocolorimeter is described. This colorimeter allows to measure the color coordinates in any colorimetric system (XYZ, Lab, Luv, etc.) and also to measure the light and color values.
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The experimental research and theoretical modeling of average radius and refractive index change of spherocytes aggregation of ill and well people under the swelling in solutions of various osmolarity and by taking into account the rigidity of the erythrocyte membrane have been carried out. The spasmodic character of decrease of spherocyte radius has been discovered for the first time. It took place under an NaCl concentration on the order 0.50 - 0.35%. The correlation of the erythrocyte membrane rigidity with a 'jump' value and its position has been demonstrated. The experimental researches of the refractive index have confirmed the spasmodic model of change to the spherocyte radius.
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A of a high-sensitive airborne methane gas analyzer used to check the methane concentration in free air is discussed. Field of application -- gas leakage checking of gas-lines and gas-storage, ecological checking of free air, oil- and gas- reconnaissance, checking of air-pit ejection. The advantage of the two-wave frequency-stabilized He-Ne laser generating at 3.39 micrometer and 0.63 micrometer lines is shown. The technical characteristics of the unit are given.
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Results of development of high-sensitive method of absorption coefficient measurement of lasers resonator mirrors that bases on use of interferometric calorimetry are presented in given work. Essence of method consists in the measurement of deformation of mirror surface in the result of its local heating at incidence of powerful laser beam. Investigated mirror is part of high q-factor Fabry-Perot interferometer and, in the same time is intrinsic resonator of powerful laser, for increasing of method sensitivity.
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The proposed technique is targeted at high accuracy measurement of absorbing ability of optical materials with use of laser interferometer calorimetry. The mathematical model of estimating of thermal fields, which arise in a sample at partial absorption of powerful laser radiation, allows us to divide influence of coefficients of superficial and volumetric absorption. Using the high capacity CO-laser for material heating makes it possible to reach measurement sensitivity of (10-3 divided by 10-7) cm-1 of measuring of absorption coefficients of optically transparent materials. The separation of superficial and volumetric absorption allows to test quality of processing of optical elements, and thus, to predict beam durability of materials, avoiding to their physical destruction.
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In this contribution we report on the calculation of the output power of He-Ne laser on the five lasing wavelengths in the red of spectrum.
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In this contribution we report on a design of mirrors coating structures of YAG:Nd lasers pumped by semiconductor laser. We also report on a choosing of the suitable thin-coating structures. They include the layers number, materials and the layer optical thickness.
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The theory of non-uniform-polarization waves (PNW) reviews. It is shown, that sources of these waves are environments with variable anisotropy and optical surfaces of arbitrary radii of curvature and general property of PNW is intimate connection between polarization and amplitude-phase characteristics. The method of polarization-wave matrixes is represented. PNW are described by a set of transverse Hermite-Gaussian modes with varies polarization and intensities. This method is used for calculation of polarization aberrations -- amplitude-phase distortions, which are different for orthogonal components of the electric field. PNW in the ring laser are considered. Properties and forming of radial-polarized beams, which are useful for increasing of efficiency of an interaction of laser radiation with a material, are investigated.
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In the given operation the experimental procedure of measuring of indicatrixes of coefficient of brightness and scattering matrix of surfaces of various materials is featured at their irradiation by pulsing laser radiation in the plan with combined by a radiant and receiver of radiation. The experimental results received on a wavelength 532 nm at intensity approximately 104W/cm2 at a pulse length approximately 10 ns for a dairy glass MC-20 and corrosion- proof steels H18N10T with root-mean-square deviations of height of a lateral view of a roughness of explored surfaces Rz, laying in a gamut 0.025-2.5 mkm ($DEL6-14 classes of processing of a surface) are given. The discussion of the received results is carrying out.
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The dust-absorber effective work is characterized by the relation between an exit and entrance dust concentrations and its dynamics. Dust concentration level changes are direct indicator of its technical status. The IVA-L type dust concentration measurement laser instrument allows to provide automatic continuous diagnosting of a technical status of a dust-absorber. Integrated laser radiation Mie scattering on particles moving in an air flow method lies in a basic of this instrument work. It is created as uniform optical-electronics module which is usually established directly on a wall entrance an exit of gas pipes of a dust-absorber. IVA-L instrument output signal is equal to the dust mass concentration level. The IVA-L testing and certificate verification were made on the special laboratory apparatus carried out as dust air flow closed ellipsoid form pipe of 4 X 6 m. The IVA-L instrument application as dust concentration level recorder provides the whole operative information about a technical status of the dust-absorber and therefore can prevent additional of dust pollution to atmosphere at this industrial region.
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Quantum hydrodynamic equations jointly with Maxwell's equation for the electric field are applied to describe motion of single electron including self-field one. The set of equations listed here and including the self-field of an electron is fundamental and represents the alternative quantum theory. Solutions of these equations are self-consistent and determine corresponding motion. In this paper we investigated one- dimensional stationary motion under variable distributions of background positive charge. Numerical integration of equations was carried out with Runge-Kutta method of 4th order approximation. Fast Fourier-transformation was used to analyze the spatially inhomogeneous distributions of electron density. Self-consistent solutions are compared with that of quantum hydrodynamic equations without considering the self-field of an electron (as in ordinary quantum mechanics). It is shown that difference takes place between them.
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The possibility of creating Cooper pairs of fermion-atoms imbedded into a degenerate bose-gas is considered. The transition of this system to a superconducting state under certain conditions is demonstrated to be possible, even if there is repulsion between fermions.
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Novel Diffractive Optical Elements of MODAN-type open up new promising potentialities of solving the tasks of generation, transformation, superposition and subsequent separation again of different transversal laser modes with high efficiency. In we presented for the first time a MODAN capable of transforming a Gaussian TEM00 input beam into a unimodal Gauss-Hermite (GH) (1,0) complex amplitude distribution. Now we present new results achieved by combining several MODANs in one optical set-up: The aim of these investigations is to transform a single TEM00 input laser beam into several partial beams, each of them described by a different unimodal GH (n,m) mode structure. After separately modulating these partial beams in time, and subsequent superposing them to again one beam by means of a conventional beamsplitter, this unified multimode beam is permitted to propagate in space. Following that, an 'analyzing' MODAN is applied to this transversal multimode beam -- a diffractive element which is capable of realizing a spatial modal decomposition of an illuminating beam. For the investigations to be presented here, we restricted ourselves to two unimodal beams and selected as transforming MODANs one element of TEM00-to-GH (1,0) type described and one of TEM00-to-GH (0,1) type. The analyzing MODAN was calculated as a phase-only element using the crossed-gratings method and manufactured with the same technology like the two other elements. Theoretical as well as first experimental results demonstrate promising perspectives for the selected concept.
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Analyzing of amplitude-phase characteristics of the laser beam in real-time mode is topical in experimental physics and in a great number of laser applications, such as laser material treatment. The task of analyzing the amplitude-phase beam structure may be treated as that of analyzing the modal composition if this is thought of as both analyzing individual modal powers and intermodal phase shifts. In this paper, the problem is tackled using a special diffractive element (DOE), called MODAN, matched to a group of laser radiation modes. By way of illustration, such an optical element may be implemented as a microrelief applied directly onto an optical material of the laser output window. The experimental results reported indicate that such an approach shows promise.
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Operation of the time integration signal processing systems with divergency channel acousto-optical modulators is considered. The method of the divergency compensation is suggested that permits to improve the characteristics of such systems.
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The possibility of the moments method application of the Wigner time-frequency distribution for optical pattern recognition of the affined signals is considered. Different values of the probability error for different values of the (delta) parameters are given.
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A new averaged set of equations for the phase conjugation in the double phase conjugate mirror geometry is presented. Comparison of our experimental data with the model calculations is given.
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The paper proposes a new approach to enhancement of the dynamic range of high speed image sensors. This is possible due to momentary exposure fitting to image intensity variation. Unlike the majority of modern devices based on automatic exposure control we suggest fitting just after triggering along with frame processing through momentary feedback. The feedback is implemented through handling an image recorder with an additional diode array. The automatic exposure control system is based on photodiode array (e.g., 8 X 8 elements), operating as an 'exposure meter array,' and is going to be implemented for observation of transient phenomena of plasma discharge development in the spherical tokamak Globus-M. The separate photodiode (photodiodes group) signal associated with a portion of plasma image is used for estimation of CCD sensor exposure time. The operating model of plasma observation system utilizes upon ICX39BLA matrix CCD sensor, ATMEL AT90 S4433 microprocessor, PLM ALTERA (MAX700 series) and SPD-64 photodiode array specially manufactured at Ioffe Institute according to local epitaxy technique.
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We fabricated and experimentally studied diffractive optical elements intended to focus near IR light into a ring and a twin-spot. Fabrication technology and the performances of the fabricated optical elements are discussed.
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The structure and operating principle of backend devices of optical processing systems is presented. The basic part of the system are CCD photodetector and digital signal processor. CCD photodetector additionally processes a output signals. DSP executes functions: control, synchronization, data processing.
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