In this work, we investigated the electrochemical actuation of gilded polyaniline bilayers in acidic aqueous electrolytes. Gilding was found to be a useful method to ensure a uniform potential distribution across polyaniline films so that well-defined electrochemistry and electrochemical actuation could be obtained. Electrochemical actuation of gilded polyaniline bilayers was studied by means of bending and linear actuation. Actuation could be obtained by a number of electrical stimulation modes including cyclic voltammetry (CV), square wave potential (SWP) and square wave current (SWC). Within the potential range of -0.2 ~ 0.6 V (vs Ag/AgCl), the polyaniline films expanded upon oxidation and contracted upon reduction, which corresponds to the first redox process of polyaniline between the leucomeraldine and emaraldine oxidation states. Actuation obtained in this potential range is related to the insertion/deinsertion of the electrolyte anion upon oxidation/reduction of polyaniline. It was found that, due to the thin thickness of the gold layer, not only fast bending actuation but also linear actuation could be achieved for the resulting gilded polyaniline bilayers. Extending the applied potential to more positive potentials, polyaniline degradation and oxidation of gold layer were observed.