24 August 2001 Interlayer dielectric process for LSI circuits using positive photosensitive polyimide synthesized by block-copolymerization
Masahiro Aoyagi, Shigemasa Segawa, EunSil Jung, Taro Itatani, Masanori Komuro, Tsuenenori Sakamoto, Hiroshi Itatani, Masataka Miyamura, Shunichi Matsumoto
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Photosensitive polyimide is expected as a future interlayer dielectric material in LSI circuits. In this paper, we propose a new interlayer dielectric process using a positive photosensitive polyimide directly synthesized from aromatic dianhydride and aliphatic diamine by block-copolymerization. Photosensitive polyimide solution was prepared with N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) solvent. A diazonaphthoquinone PC-5 was used as a photosensitizer. The thin film was spin-coated with changing polyimide concentration and rotation speed. The uniformity of the coated film was achieved less than +/- 0.9 % on a 3-inch wafer of silicon. A 0.5 micrometers line and space pattern was obtained by i-line lithography. The (gamma) value of the contrast was evaluated to 1.05. The dielectric constant of the base polyimide was measured for a thick film by the cavity perturbation method. The values from 2.4 to 3.0 were obtained within the frequency range from 1 GHz to 20 GHz. The break down voltage was measured to be 107 kV/mm without high-temperature heat treatment.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Masahiro Aoyagi, Shigemasa Segawa, EunSil Jung, Taro Itatani, Masanori Komuro, Tsuenenori Sakamoto, Hiroshi Itatani, Masataka Miyamura, and Shunichi Matsumoto "Interlayer dielectric process for LSI circuits using positive photosensitive polyimide synthesized by block-copolymerization", Proc. SPIE 4345, Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XVIII, (24 August 2001); Logo
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