7 September 2001 Common display performance requirements for military and commercial aircraft product lines
Steven J. Hoener, Arthur J. Behrens, John R. Flint, Alan R. Jacobsen
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Obtaining high quality Active Matrix Liquid Crystal (AMLCD) glass to meet the needs of the commercial and military aerospace business is a major challenge, at best. With the demise of all domestic sources of AMLCD substrate glass, the industry is now focused on overseas sources, which are primarily producing glass for consumer electronics. Previous experience with ruggedizing commercial glass leads to the expectation that the aerospace industry can leverage off the commercial market. The problem remains, while the commercial industry is continually changing and improving its products, the commercial and military aerospace industries require stable and affordable supplies of AMLCD glass for upwards of 20 years to support production and maintenance operations. The Boeing Engineering and Supplier Management Process Councils have chartered a group of displays experts from multiple aircraft product divisions within the Boeing Company, the Displays Process Action Team (DPAT), to address this situation from an overall corporate perspective. The DPAT has formulated a set of Common Displays Performance Requirements for use across the corporate line of commercial and military aircraft products. Though focused on the AMLCD problem, the proposed common requirements are largely independent of display technology. This paper describes the strategy being pursued within the Boeing Company to address the AMLCD supply problem and details the proposed implementation process, centered on common requirements for both commercial and military aircraft displays. Highlighted in this paper are proposed common, or standard, display sizes and the other major requirements established by the DPAT, along with the rationale for these requirements.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Steven J. Hoener, Arthur J. Behrens, John R. Flint, and Alan R. Jacobsen "Common display performance requirements for military and commercial aircraft product lines", Proc. SPIE 4362, Cockpit Displays VIII: Displays for Defense Applications, (7 September 2001);
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Military display technology

Aerospace engineering

Cockpit displays

Display technology




Boeing Displays Process Action team
Proceedings of SPIE (August 28 2000)
Practical use of AMLCDs in avionic applications
Proceedings of SPIE (September 07 2001)
Six success stories for FPDs in military platforms
Proceedings of SPIE (August 16 1999)

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