20 March 2001 Fully complex filter implementation in all-optical and hybrid digital/optical correlators
Philip M. Birch, Rupert C. D. Young, Frederic Claret-Tournier, Triantafillos Koukoulas, Sovira Tan, David M. Budgett, Christopher R. Chatwin
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A technique for the experimental implementation of fully complex filters with commercially available spatial light modulators (SLMs) is reported. The filters are incorporated into an all-optical correlator and a hybrid digital-optical correlator, the relative merits of each configuration being considered. Various filter functions requiring complex modulation are demonstrated, consideration being given to the degradation of filter performance due to the limited quantization and dynamic range with which they can be implemented using current SLM technology.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Philip M. Birch, Rupert C. D. Young, Frederic Claret-Tournier, Triantafillos Koukoulas, Sovira Tan, David M. Budgett, and Christopher R. Chatwin "Fully complex filter implementation in all-optical and hybrid digital/optical correlators", Proc. SPIE 4387, Optical Pattern Recognition XII, (20 March 2001); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Spatial light modulators

Optical correlators

Optical filters

Filtering (signal processing)

Fourier transforms

Image filtering

Digital filtering


Invariant phase-only filters for phase-encoded inputs
Proceedings of SPIE (November 01 1991)
Problems facing optical correlators
Proceedings of SPIE (January 12 1993)
Application Of Binary Phase-Only Filters To Machine Vision
Proceedings of SPIE (February 08 1989)

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