20 November 2001 Robust adaptive beamforming algorithm based on interference-subspace projection technique
Hyekyung Jwa, Joohwan Chun, Joowan Kim, Hyunseo Oh, Mungeon Kyeong
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We propose a new robust adaptive beamforming algorithm with the structure of the GSC (generalized sidelobe canceller). Similarly to the LCMV (linearly constrained minimum variance) beamformer, the performance of the GSC degrades greatly in the presence of array error. When we do not know the array steering vector exactly, the blocking matrix of the GSC cannot remove the desired signal completely. To overcome this difficulty, we propose to project the weight vector into the interference subspace, and therefore the desired signal residual present in the output of the blocking matrix is also projected into the interference subspace. As a result, the desired signal is not cancelled in the GSC.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hyekyung Jwa, Joohwan Chun, Joowan Kim, Hyunseo Oh, and Mungeon Kyeong "Robust adaptive beamforming algorithm based on interference-subspace projection technique", Proc. SPIE 4474, Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XI, (20 November 2001);
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Signal to noise ratio


Phased arrays


Interference (communication)

Computer simulations

Optical simulations

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